
Welcome to Math Learning Video Simulation

A Precalculus Learning Tool
copyright www.pindling.org 2001
* Definitions / Concepts
Linear Models
Exponential Models
Logarithmic Models
Quadratic Models
Sinusoidal Models
Domain and Range
Piecewise Models
Trigonometric Models
Graphical Solutions
Inverse Functions
Polynomials and Rational Models

Precalculus Review For Final Exam


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These programs and simulated games are intended for on-line use only and 
so you may have difficulty printing the materials

* Under Development
copyright www.pindling.org 2001

Video Themes:

1. Who wants to be a millionaire ($100 - $1,000,000 Questions)
2. Jurassic Park (Dinosaurs)
3. Gunfighters (Tombstone)
4. Camelot ( Quest of Grail to Sir Lancelot)
5. 7 Wonders of the World
6. Time Travel (Back to the future to Terminator)
7. Secret Gardens (Maze)
8. Safari (Food Chain Deer to Predator)
9. Harry Potter (Becoming a Wizard)
10. Military Leadership (Lieutenant to Commander in Chief)
12. Spin City (Challenges in Decision Making)*
13. Star Wars (to Jedi Knight)
14. Monopoly (A Comprehensive Precalc Game)